Asus K45DR-VX032D not carry an Intel processor with its core-i, but the rivals Intel-made processor that still survive, the AMD Quad Core A8-4500M. Processor AMD has just introduced the second quarter of 2012. Based on Trinity Architecture, A8-4500M on claims has good performance but more power efficient.
AMD Quad Core A8-4500M is actually not really but 2 quad-core processors with 4 cores integer module. Some reviews say that the processor is less performance than core i3 series, but in the other review and benchmark results, AMD Quad Core A8-4500M is higher than the Core i5 Sandy Bridge even Ivy Bridge, a core i7 was defeated. Asus K45DR-VX032D have 2 VGA, on board and dedicated. VGA on board AMD Quad Core A8-4500M is AMD Radeon HD 7640G which has excellent performance even better than the HD Graphics 4000 (on board with Ivy Bridge). The second is VGA AMD Mobility Radeon HD 7470 1GB. By enabling both VGAnya, performance to bet games can be more steady. Each VGA is actually pretty good, especially if combined.
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